When was the last time someone checked on

your Health & Wellness?

Health. Wellness. Habits. Routines.



Health. Wellness. Habits. Routines.

Are you not tired of health quizzes and personality tests?

You know, these free quizzes that contain 10 questions that spit your personality out according to an algorithm in a few seconds... Have you ever applied any advice or learned anything new about yourself from these tests that REALLY made a difference in your life? No? Yeah, me neither. I usually just read the so-called "results" and go on in my life without giving it another thought. They are games, not helping anyone.

At Minimal Habits, we consider your health as a WHOLE.

A happy and healthy life possesses 3 roots that we call "pillars": Mind, Body and Environment. They WORK TOGETHER and interact with each other all the time. In positive or in negative ways, you decide!

This is why I have decided to offer a comprehensive solution to anybody who wants to have a reality check.

My Health & Wellness Assessment is the most comprehensive assessment of this kind on the market. Why?

Because I am an expert in health and behavior design and I know that everything and every single habit and choice you make has effects on your health.

18% of U.S. adults use some type of medication to help them sleep...

Not getting enough sleep raises the risk for various diseases and disorders, including heart disease, obesity and dementia.

Besides the consequences that lack of sleep has on all the other aspects of your life: your food choices, mood, productivity, sexuality, relationships... that in return have a ripple effect back on your sleep..., taking medication also exposes you to side effects that have their own consequences on all the above.

At Minimal Habits, we also look at your exercise routine, stress levels, nutrition, bedding quality, sleeping habits and even your mindset!

52% of the world’s adults are trying to lose weight...

If you too want to lose weight but have issues shedding these few pounds, what you eat and how much you eat is probably the most important thing to look at for a start (whispering into your ear: "calorie deficit" even if you do not want to hear it...).

At Minimal Habits, we also have a look at your sleep, mindset, environment, energy & stress levels and a multitude of other factors that can support (or undermine) your goals!


Because I take and treat YOU as you are: a complex machine with a ton of hardware and software to run it. I have years of studies & experience in the field of health, wellness, science and habit-forming. I help individuals like you to see their health through a wide angle and work on all aspects of their health, so you can achieve your goals, one by one.


Main Features:

The Most Comprehensive Life Assessment Out There

A deep dive into your lifestyle, health, wellness, habits and routines, without any filter. More than 130 questions for getting a comprehensive picture of your habits through your 3 pillars of health: Body, Mind and Environment.

Customized Results in 48h

No cookie-cutter results. This assessment is not a quiz spitting out immediate results thanks to an algorithm. A real Health & Wellness certified coach (me) will study your assessment and reply to you in the next 48h to give you customized insights. You will get advice and tips for forming habits that serve YOU, including a strategy and a timeline to follow straight away.

Know Yourself Better

By undertaking this questionnaire, you will first get insights. Journaling 3.0!

But with my report, you will get a totally different outlook on your daily choices and learn how to design your habits for your goals.

Customized Results

Take advantage of my extended experience in health and wellness, and especially in habit & routine forming, so you can receive personalized feedback, insights, advice and tips for improving your health.

Get Direction

The report you will receive gives you a strategy and a timeline, so you can immediately start planning and designing the new habits you need and/or dropping the ones that don't serve you anymore. It is like a self-paced plan you can hop on!


  • EVERYBODY! But more specifically:
  • People who want to have a big reality check
  • People who are not afraid to be raw and honest, to be themselves
  • People who want to see the big picture and the smallest details of their health
  • People who want to change something and improve their health, habits, routines and behaviors
  • People who are caught up in a loop of never getting to where they want


  • No-one really! Every single human-being would benefit from this assessment. Prove-me wrong!

What is so special about this


  • The most comprehensive life assessement out there: deep dive into your mind, body and environment
  • 100% Online
  • Report & insights given by a real Health & Wellness Certified Coach
  • 48h turnaround
  • Real actionable advices, with a proper timeline and strategy
  • A lot of knowledge and science shared with you
  • 10% discount on your 1rst Coaching Call if you need help to implement your changes
  • Not cookie-cutter algorithm-based results
  • No commitment
  • Not a test or a quiz on a fraction of your life, like your personality or your diet preferences


I took this assessment because I wanted to improve certain things in my life, but I had no idea of where to start and especially how to proceed. The report I received was complete enough to give me the directions I needed, so I could get started without too much stress. So far, I have done well. I am, step by step, getting things under more control.

Sergio, 37

Amsterdam, Netherlands

I knew I needed to be healthier but I gave up too quickly and have little idea of what to do for my habits to stick. What I liked about this assessment is that nothing is left in the shadows. Every part of me and my life are being looked at, so the plan they deliver is very personalized.

Dios, 29

London, UK

Taking that assessment was the perfect way for me to start this year. I have been waiting for way too long to lose weight. I had enough. The report I received gave me simple advice and enough knowledge and actionable tips for me to get started. I might take on their 10% discount offer on my first coaching session because I feel like I need some extra help.

Samantha, 45

Oregon, US

Take your Assessment NOW

And start implementing your first habits and lifestyle change in 48h!

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