Health. Wellness. Habits. Routines.

And if the only thing you were missing was


Health. Wellness. Habits. Routines.

Are you not tired of feeling lonely with your goals, procrastinating and never really achieving anything?

How many items do you still have on your to-do list? Since when? Things you are never checking off your list, goals you never achieve, habits you never seem to maintain, and dreams that end up flushed down the toilets..?

How long has it been since you felt proud of yourself and became a better version of yourself?

Yeah, I know... Been there, done that. It sucks and is truly depressing.

At Minimal Habits, we often get contacted by people who, like you, don't seem to be able to move on with their tasks, let alone their goals. They are paralyzed and think something is really wrong about them.

What if, for once in your life, you could get things DONE? It is not rocket science, but still science!

This is why I have decided to launch the Accountability Group Subscription.

With this monthly commitment, get the things done for good, while being supported by like-minded individuals who, like you, will need your support in return. All this under my watch!

How do I know?

Because I am an expert in health, behavior design and habit forming, and I know that accountability is one of the most important component of success in absolutely everything, and especially in habit forming.


[ uh-koun-tuh-bil-i-tee ] noun

Accountability is the obligation to explain, justify, and take responsibility for one’s actions.

Accountability is the state of being accountable, meaning responsible for something or obligated to do something.

The word accountability is often used in the context of individuals, especially in the term "personal accountability". It is often discussed with transparency. This typically involves keeping people accountable by making their actions visible.

An estimated 20% of worldwide adults are chronic procrastinators...

Procrastination can be a major obstacle to achieving your goals and can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. In fact, it can even negatively affect your health.

At Minimal Habits, we know that being part of an accountability group can help individuals overcome their tendency to put things off! With your habit and tasks trackers, shared with everyone in your group, there is NO ESCAPE from doing the thing!

A wooping 61% of American adults report wanting to overcome bad habits they have developed during the global pandemic

Overcoming bad habits is HARD.

Whether it's smoking, overeating, or spending too much time on social media, breaking bad habits can be incredibly difficult.

At Minimal Habits, we know that accountability groups can provide a supportive environment for individuals to work on overcoming these habits. Not only that, but we also provide you with a proper course to learn how to form habits and get rid of bad ones!


Because I take and treat YOU as you are: a complex machine with a ton of hardware and software to run it. I have years of studies & experience in the field of health, wellness, science and habit forming. I help individuals like you to see their health through a wide angle and work on all aspects of their health, so you can achieve your goals, one by one.


Main Features:

Real Accountability Buddies...

Our accountability group is a community capped to 6 like-minded individuals, who want to tackle their to-dos as much as you!

...on the Best Coaching Platform out There...

The group is hosted on the best coaching platform of the market. You will be able to customize your habits, tasks and notifications yourself.

A community board also offers different thematic rooms for you to discuss with your buddies and be motivated!

...along a Real Coach for Extra Support!

A certified Health & Wellness Coach is personally in the group as a supportive guide that you can message anytime.

Habit Forming Accelerator Course

Get access to a welcome gift to get you started with the best foundations: a Habit Forming Course: a hands-on self-paced course for you to learn how to design goals, habits and prioritize tasks, and form habits that stick!

Live Group Calls

Once a month, we get to have a LIVE group call to share wins, fails and ideas. It is a fun and exciting moment for everyone.

Monthly Commitment

Be accountable on a monthly basis for almost anything you need and want. You set the rules, what, when and how.


Main Features:

Real Accountability Buddies...

Our accountability group is a community capped to 6 like-minded individuals, who want to tackle their to-dos as much as you!

...on the Best Coaching Platform Out There...

The group is hosted on the best coaching platform of the market. You will be able to customize your habits, tasks and notifications yourself.

A community board also offers different thematic rooms for you to discuss with your buddies and be motivated!

...along a Real Coach for Extra Support!

A certified Health & Wellness Coach is personally in the group as a supportive guide that you can message anytime.

Habit Forming Accelerator Course

Get access to a welcome gift to get you started with the best foundations: a Habit Forming Course: a hands-on self-paced course for you to learn how to design goals, habits and prioritize tasks, and form habits that stick!

Live Group Calls

Once a month, we get to have a LIVE group call to share wins, fails and ideas. It is a fun and exciting moment for everyone.

Monthly Commitment

Be accountable on a monthly basis for almost anything you need and want. You set the rules, what, when and how.

Fast & Simple

After your payment, you get access to our accountability group on my coaching platform. You can start the course when you want, set up your own goals, tasks or projects and start tracking. Everybody in the group can see your progress and you can see theirs.


This monthly subscription costs you less than US$3 a day (a subscription costs you less than a coaching call) - Quite cheap for finally getting things done, on a top professional platform that has been built for the purpose of coaching: priceless!

Special Perks

You get to hop on discounted coaching calls with me (-20%) as long as you are subscribed whenever you feel like it. Coaching calls can really move things further in terms of productivity, health and habit forming.


  • Procrastinators who have specific tasks and projects to accomplish
  • People who already have a good idea of what they have to do
  • People who have a drive and want to get somewhere, but need a push!!
  • People who need support and a community
  • People who do not find solace in Facebook groups
  • People who want to perform better and be more productive
  • People who are disappointed with robot-led accountability apps


  • People who don't know where to start
  • People who are not organized
  • People who are not driven
  • People who are not patient

What is so special about this


  • Community of like-minded individuals
  • Health & Wellness Certified Coach to support you and expect you to "do the things"
  • 100% Online
  • You stay in control of your own goals and habits
  • Monthly commitment
  • 20% discount on all your Coaching Calls during your subscription
  • No robot-like notifications from an habit tracking app that you can easily dismiss
  • No financial incentive: you pay for a monthly subbscription, no surprises


I am quite satisfied with this service.

I started this accountability group last week and, so far, I am really getting things done. The group is not crowded, only a few other people. But it is the best situation because I can focus on my goals in a cool environment.

Faisal, 24

Jakarta, Indonesia

So far, so good! I am starting my second month in this group and enjoying being organized and interacting with the others. The group is not always full, people come and go depending on their subscriptions. Sometimes there are only 2 or 3, but the results are there: I am taking all my steps and achieving my goals. Thanks!

Nat, 29

Oxford, UK

I am truly delighted to be on-board this accountability group. I also have learnt a lot with the [habit forming] course, and feel more in touch with all the things I always wanted to do and achieve. Having the time to do things helps for sure, but I had the very bad habit of being on my phone all the time! Now, not anymore.

Vivienne, 63

Dublin, Ireland

Subscribe NOW

And start setting up habits and tasks immediately!

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